Over these 25 years we have done a lot – we have successfully settled most of the biggest losses and have conducted numerous complicated expert examinations and complex engineering risk assessments. Though the sky is the limit to what our professional team can achieve, here are some greatest achievements of us.
20211,2 bn. RUBLosses due to the oil leak6,2 bn. RUBDispute in Court re bridgework construction costs0,3 bn. USDDispute in LCIA between American and the Russian designers
20201 bn. RUBFire damage to Booster Compressor Unit at Power Plan
20193,6 bn. RUBDispute in Court on the amount of lost profi
20182,3 bn. RUBSettlement of Trade Credit Insurance Loss0,1 bn. $Oxygen pipeline explosion at the Integrated Steel Works in Kazakhstan
20171,4 bn. RUBDamage to ski trails at the mountain resort in Sochi0,1 bn. €LCIA – Dispute on recovery of losses and penalties
2016~0,7 bn. RUBLoss due to decrease in copper production in Kazakhstan
2015~0,7 bn. RUBDamage to the HPP waterworks, machinery and power equipment in Tajikistan
20141,6 bn. RUBDamage to gas turbine and compressor96 bn. RUBCAR/EAR assessment in metro engineering16,7 bn. RUBWHSD – Construction pre-risk survey in terms of DSU
2013~1,1 bn. RUBCollapse of the roof in the pellet factory (PJSC Severny GOK, Ukraine)1,3 bn. RUBBreakage of GRES gas turbine
20121,4 bn. RUBCollapse of bridge over the Abakan River
20112,5 bn. RUBFire at the meat-processing plant
20096,1 bn. RUBBreakage at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydro-electric power plan
20083,1 bn. RUBFire at the Chagino power substation
20071,3 bn. RUBFire at household appliances store
20062,5 bn. RUBFire at the medicine storage site in Moscow0,9 bn. RUBSmelter explosion